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Write reviews and get cash rewards

First of all, thank you very much for purchasing Wigstan products and thank you for your recognition of our wig products. We will also continue to work hard to provide you with products of better quality and more diverse styles.

This positive feedback cashback activity is divided into the following three levels:

1. You'll receive $5 if you provide two photos of yourself wearing a wig and write a review of approximately 50 words.

2. You'll receive $10 If you shoot a 15-30 second video showing the effect of wearing a wig in a quiet environment.

3. You'll receive $20-$50 If you shoot a 15-30 second video to show the comparison before and after wearing a wig. (This video requires review by our staff. The higher the quality, the more you will get paid.)

After taking a photo or video, you can leave a review directly below the item you purchased. Once we receive your comment, we will review it and send you an email to arrange payment.

If you participate in this event, you authorize me to use your photos or videos in Wigstan. We will protect your privacy and will not use your photos or videos illegally.

